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GRAVITY interacts with the HTML Tags in your applications DOM Tree. It never programmatically accesses any of the data below.

We guarantee by contract that the data we see is never accessed by our code. You may verify this on your own by inspecting our JavaScript code in your browser. This means, we never work with any of your business-critical data. The questions and answers below talk about GRAVITY content (data): thereby we mean content a content owner created and not your business-critical assets as we do not see or work with them.

From a technical standpoint, our approach involves the calculation and storage of JQuery selectors, specifically from the BODY to the target element, utilizing the text() function solely for the target element. It's important to note that only the text of the target element and its descendants have the potential to be stored in our database, contingent upon the application's construction. Conversely, any text stemming from a form input will be disregarded, as inputs and scripts are not compatible with this function.


Rest: In our case OpsOne encrypts the data and keeps it safe (Linux Unified Key Setup ( LUKS)). On premise: the data safety cannot be guaranteed by Gravity Global AG or its cloud providers. 


Yes. When we build our software we scan the built containers with Harbour. The containers are scanned with the Library Trivy.

What are your partners regarding the hosting infrastructure?

Regarding hosting infrastructure, we work with OpsOne AG in Zurich. OpsOne manages the Kubernetes infrastructure, storage, and backup for us. The hardware is housed within NTT’s Zurich 1 Data Center and the backup location DATAROCK in Nottwil (LU). For European hosting the hardware is housed in the NTT Rechenzentrum Frankfurt 1, with backuplocation in  Data Center Park Nürnberg. 
