Site mapping

The ‘site mapping’ defines on which web pages the site configuration applies (Figure 1). Like in other configurations, GRAVITY uses ‘Expressions’ to creates Rules which define when GRAVITY should be activated and visible.

Figure 1

The types of an URL can also vary between:

  • ‘DOMAIN’ - all the pages of the defined DOMAIN

  • ‘STARTS_WITH’ - all the pages URL of which starts with the value defied

  • ‘PAGE’ - only on a particular page and exact URL of that page should be defined


If you don't want GRAVITY to load on some of the pages in your site, you can configure it to ignore those pages.

In addition to the common pattern types, there are specific ones that can only be used for Ignore list:

  • ‘CONTAINS_IN_PARAMS' - a key=value pair of query parameters used in the URL.
    For example, the pattern 'config=true’ will skip loading of GRAVITY on pages such as

  • CONTAINS_IN_PATH - a string which is a sub-path of the URL
    For example, the pattern 'editone’ will skip loading of GRAVITY on pages such as

  • HAS_ATTRIBUTE - applies only to IFrames and allows to skip loading GRAVITY on all IFrames (pattern 'iframe'), or only on IFrames with a certain class ('class="wysiwyg_editor_cls"), or on IFrames with the defined key=value pair of HTML attributes ('id="login_frame"', 'frameborder="0"' or similar).