Callout Activators (Beta)

'Callout Activators' allows you to display a Callout once certain conditions are met. For example, if a specific description or text is visible, or if a particular element is included in the section, the Callout will be displayed. 

In order to activate the "Callout Activator" (the context menu that appears when you right-click) on a site, go to your GRAVITY Admin Site. In Site configuration click on the General tab. On this page, make sure that check box labeled Show Activator Context Menu is checked.

Figure 1 - 'Callout Activator' activation for each Site Configuration

How to create Callout Activator

When using a Callout, you can even make the contents of your callout change depending on the situation. This is done by adding Activators. The process is: First create a regular Callout and then add one or more Activators to it.

In detail: Right click on a existing Callout and in the context menu find the activated "Activator" context menu. In the submenu you click "New Activator".

Figure 2 - Callout Activator Menu

How to manage Callout Activators

Activators and their symbols can only be seen when you're in GRAVITY edit mode. But by default “Hotspot Activator” (Icon #2) are not displayed on a site.

When you attach the Hotspot Activator to a Callout, GRAVITY will identify it with an icon (Icon #1).

You can display all “Hotspot Activator” for an Callout by clicking "Show Activators" in the context menu (see Figure 2).

You can delete all Activators at once from the context menu (see Figure 2). To remove a single “Hotspot Activator”, display it and then right-click within it to access its context menu—from there you should be able to select “Delete”.

Icon No.

Hotspot Icon




Regular Hotspot that has an “Hotspot Activator” attached to it.



Hotspot Activator



Regular Hotspot that should be displayed on that site, but the target element and the attached “Hotspot Activators” are not visible.

“That Hotspot Icon is only visible in the Hotspot Collector”



Regular Hotspot that has an “Hotspot Activator” attached to it. But the element that the “Hotspot Activator” is attached to is not visible on the site.