This site is no longer updated. Please see the actual documentation for the GRAVITY Release Plan: Older Releases - GRAVITY Documentation

Version 1.25.2 – February 2024


Product improvements

Bug fix

Version 1.25.0 – January 2024

New product features

Checking the On-screen Visibility of Hotspots in Edit Mode

The latest version of GRAVITY now includes a feature which allows you to check the on-screen visibility of Hotspots in Edit mode. This function is designed to enhance your user experience, and aid in the efficient positioning and organization of your hotspots on the screen. With this feature, GRAVITY ensures that you will never lose a Hotspot.



We're intensifying our user experience by incorporating GRAVITY into itself, beginning with an English language release. More languages will follow in subsequent launches.

Take advantage of our new, comprehensive documentation platform alongside GRAVITY-4-GRAVITY. Designed to demystify the vast GRAVITY universe, it's available at GRAVITY Documentation.

These advancements reaffirm our commitment to deliver an enhanced experience to our users, and we eagerly await your feedback.

Barycenter Application: A New Home for Statistics

In our effort to continually improve and refine our user interface, GRAVITY has introduced the Barycenter application – a new home for statistics. Barycenter comes with an intuitive design and easy navigation that allows users to easily access and understand statistical information. From the first interaction, Barycenter is designed to provide you with useful insights at your fingertips. The Barycenter is accessible from the Callout Hub. Read more on the Barycenter!


Telemetry Statistics (Beta)

We’re proud to present our new feature - Telemetry Statistics (Beta). This is an in-depth data tracker aimed to provide users with valuable insights about their usage of the GRAVITY software. Whether you are troubleshooting for issues, looking to improve your workflow or simply curious about your usage patterns, the Telemetry Statistics feature can provide you with the information you're looking for. The Telemetry Statistics feature is currently in its Beta stage, and we welcome feedback for further improvements. Read more on GRAVITY Telemetry.



Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.24.0 – Dezember 2023

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.23.0 – October 2023

New product features

'Quick Navigation' Callout Content Type

We're excited to announce a new feature in GRAVITY - the 'Quick Navigation' Callout Content Type. This innovative feature is designed to revolutionize your app navigation and enrich the user experience.

With 'Quick Navigation', GRAVITY-Callouts can be created incorporating a maximum of five buttons, all providing quick access to key components within the application. Not only do these buttons guide users seamlessly through the app, but they can also be stylized effortlessly. Users can leverage dynamically and harmonically calculated colors or opt for manually adjusting them to comply with specific brand guidelines.

Moreover, the flexibility provided by 'Quick Navigation' extends to app authors as well. They can design default settings for new users or curate overview callouts to influence user navigation effectively.

Our new 'Quick Navigation' Callout Content Type aims to simplify app navigation, facilitating an intuitive and efficient user experience throughout GRAVITY-powered applications.

Support for Inline URLs in Callout Text


Our latest upgrade to GRAVITYs Rich Text editor is the support for inline URLs in Callout text.

With the integration of this feature, GRAVITY Authors can now seamlessly embed URLs into any text within the Rich Text Editor of every Callout in GRAVITY. This capability opens a wide range of possibilities, paving the way for a more interconnected and resourceful in-app experience.

Whether you're aiming to link multiple websites, attach documents, or incorporate a host of references within a Callout, the Support for Inline URLs in Callout Text makes it a breeze. Users can instantly access resources directly, saving time and increasing efficiency.

This feature allows GRAVITY Authors to make each callout a gateway to knowledge and information.

Introducing "Configurable Hotspot Size"


The Configurable Hotspot Size allows users to define the size of Hotspots on each site, ensuring a perfect fit in any designated space. Moreover, with the advanced settings in edit mode (accessed by pressing the 'G' key while clicking on step 2 in GRAVITY edit mode), users can precisely adjust the size of individual Hotspots to create a tailored experience.

This added customization empowers GRAVITY authors to better adapt each Hotspot to suit the space available while maintaining ease of use. The "Configurable Hotspot Size" enhances both functionality and aesthetics within any GRAVITY-powered app, providing authors and readers alike with a premium experience.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.22.0 – August 2023

New product features

Introducing the "Callout Hub"

We are excited to introduce a game-changing feature in GRAVITY - the Callout Hub (previously known as the "Hotspot Collector"). With the Callout Hub, managing your callouts has never been easier and more efficient.

Here's what's new with the Callout Hub:

Clear Overview of Callouts: Say goodbye to the hassle of trying to remember where each callout belongs. With the Callout Hub, you now have a better overview of which callouts are in the Announcement section and which ones are in the Information Dock. This gives you complete control and organization over your callouts which are not placed on the site.

Visibility of unplaceable Callouts: Wondering why some callouts can't be placed on a specific site. The Callout Hub has got you covered! Now, you can easily see which callouts cannot be placed on a particular site, allowing you to make informed decisions about their placement.

Custom Configurations for Information Dock: The Callout Hub also offers new configuration options for the Information Dock on the actual site you are working on. You can now set the name and icon of the Information Dock, tailoring it to match your site's brand or theme seamlessly.

Custom title and icon for the Information Dock

We have fulfilled a highly requested feature - the ability to configure custom titles and icons for the Information Dock. Now, you can easily personalize the appearance and branding of your Information Dock directly in the Callout Hub.

GRAVITY 1.22 Introduces User Object Audit Tracking!

Say goodbye to manual work and welcome accurate user activity statistics! Here's what you can expect from this release:

User Inactivity Time Tracking: With GRAVITY's advanced tracking capabilities, you now have the power to monitor user inactivity time. Gain insights into which users are inactive and take proactive measures to optimize their experience.

Automatic User Removal: No more manual effort required when users leave your organization. GRAVITY automates the process of removing inactive users, saving you time, and ensuring your user lists are always up to date.

Precise Statistics: By accurately tracking user object audits and removing inactive users automatically, GRAVITY provides you with more precise statistics. Make informed decisions based on reliable data to improve user engagement and achieve your goals.

Product improvements

Give a user both administrative and Goal Owner privileges

Beginning with version 1.22 you can assign a user as both an Administrator and a Goal Owner simultaneously. In previous versions, users had to choose between being an Administrator or a Goal Owner. This makes using GRAVITY, as a professional user, more convenient.

More Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.21.0 – June 2023

New product features

SAML SSO Login for Admin Site (Beta version)

In our continuous efforts to provide you with a secure and efficient user experience, we have introduced a SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) login for the Admin site. This feature, currently in beta, allows you to seamlessly access the Admin site using your existing login credentials, eliminating the need for multiple logins and passwords..

New Tab in Site Configuration for Custom Client Configurations

To further improve your experience with GRAVITY, we have added a new tab in the Site Configuration section, which allows you to apply custom client configurations. This feature enables you to tailor the platform to your specific needs, ensuring a more personalized and efficient user experience.

Product improvements

Improved image viewer for additional images

We have also upgraded our image viewer, providing you with an enhanced visual experience. Now, pictures can be displayed in full screen, while the improved navigation and zoom capabilities offer a more immersive and detailed view of your additional images.


More Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.20.5 – May 2023

Product improvements

Added possibility to attach Callouts to clickable elements

We are pleased to announce a new feature that allows users to place callouts on clickable elements such as buttons, links and more.

This feature will allow users to provide additional context and information about these clickable elements, making it easier for users to understand what actions they can take and what information they will receive.

Added Possibility to Ignore iFrames Using CSS Class Name

Admins can now configure GRAVITY not to inject into iFrames by specifying a CSS class name in the ignore list.

This feature will allow users to exclude iFrames with a specific CSS class name from GRAVITY calculations. This is especially useful for elements like mail template generation and other ‘hidden' iFrames that should not be factored into GRAVITY’s calculations.



Version 1.20.0 – April 2023

New product features

Rich text editor for Callout content

We're thrilled to announce the 'GRAVITY Rich Text Editor'! With this new addition to the edit menu, you can now easily format your text. The Rich Text Editor offers a defined range of formatting options, including bold, italic, underline, bullet points and more. The font size can be defined in the admin site and user can only select between two additional sizes. So you are in control that all callouts comply with your corporate design.

Additional password-based protection of Edit mode

You want to be sure that your content is safe from unauthorized access, as this new feature allows you to ask for the user's password to protect your Edit mode. This ensures that only authorized users with the correct password can make changes to your content.

In the Security section of GRAVITY, you will find a dropdown menu that provides an additional layer of security.

Product improvements

Allow or disallow additional images

GRAVITY allows you now to activate or deactivate the "Additional Images" section in edit mode. This new feature gives you more control over the content creation process of your GRAVITY authors. Now you can easily add or remove the "Additional Images" section as needed.

Wait for IFrame initialization mode

"Wait for IFrame initialization mode" is a highly technical feature that optimizes how GRAVITY works on sites with different IFrames interconnected. While this feature is only needed during setup, it significantly improves how GRAVITY works seamlessly with your site's IFrames.

Brand new modern UI of Ring Menu

Introducing the new GRAVITY modern Ring Menu design! We've taken user feedback into account and optimized screen real estate usage to give you a better reading experience. In redesigning the edit menu, we improved and reordered content and callout settings in a more logical way.

The new design also presents the information in a more organized way and makes it easier for you to find what you're looking for. Additionally, we've improved how features work within the Ring Menu so that they're easier to access.

Multi-language content has been redesigned and re–coded to make it easier than ever before.

Finally, our iconic 1-4 step design has been compressed to only 3 steps. This will allow you to preview Callouts faster than ever before! Check it out now and see for yourself how much better this is.

Improved integration with Salesforce sites

GRAVITY's integration with Salesforce has been optimized for the new Salesforce features introduced lately. This will give you an experience like what you've had in the past.

Bug fixes

GRAVITY Version 1.19.0 - 27.2.2023

New product features

Callout Activators (Beta)

This feature is asked for a long time, now it is here. With 'Callout Activators' you can change the behavior of Callouts to be displayed if certain dependencies are activated. Once the dependency is visible, the dependent Callout will be triggered as well.

'Callout Activators' allows you to display a Callout once certain conditions are met. For example, if a specific description or text is visible, or if a particular element is included in the section, the Callout will be displayed.

Callout Activators are designed to work with 'no coding needed'. Just attach 'Callout Activators' to your Callouts and the visibility of the Callout will have dependencies.


In this version we introduce new hotspot icons in edit mode to illustrate the difference between 'Callout Activator' -activated hotspots and those without.

'Callout Activators' can be activated in the general tab of the admin site.

The ‘Callout Activator’ feature is in Beta state. Please read our beta description to make sure it fits to your SLA.

Information Dock-only Callouts

In this version we are starting to upgrade the 'Lighthouse'. You can now place Callouts directly in the information dock (formerly called 'Lighthouse').

Information Dock-only callouts are handy for providing information that you want users to have at all times, but not when they’re in the midst of performing some action or following a process.

Once a Callout is marked to be displayed in the 'Information Dock', users can access it through two ways: The dock can be activated by clicking on a callout in the dashboard, or, you can access this information using the 'Information Dock' button, which has been added to GRAVITY's control panel.

You can activate your Callouts to be displayed in the 'Information Dock' through a checkbox on step 2 of the editing process.

Excel report for Callouts Statistics

To see the most detailed data about your callouts, you can now export all our information directly from your GRAVITY statistic page.

This report exports Callouts statistics as an Excel file from GRAVITY statistics overview. The report includes all your callout data, including a breakdown by user and applications. All of your data are available, regardless of you have set up Goals and Tasks for the Callouts.


Product improvements

Bug fixes

GRAVITY Version 1.18.0 - 23.1.2023

Product improvements

Bug fixes

GRAVITY Extension 2.4.0 - 26.10.2022

GRAVITY Version 1.17.0 - 24.10.2022

New product features

Statistics & Goal assignment for Information & Announcement Callouts

Information Callouts and Announcements can now be part of Goals. This allows you to assign a goal to a specific callout or announcement, as well as measure its effectiveness in the statistics.

Chaining of user's Audiences

In the past, you could manually move users out of an audience based on days. That feature is now expanded. After a user has reached the defined number of days in the audience, he can now be moved into another audience. This allows you to build chains of audiences in which you gradually show users more or other information.

Goals Appearance Mode: 'One by one'

GRAVITY Version 1.17 introduces a new mode for displaying Goals, called "One by One." The new drop-down in the Goals Dashboard lets you select this appearance mode. In older versions of GRAVITY, all Callouts of a Goal are displayed together, just like normal Callouts on a page. We call that mode now "All together." The new mode "One by One" will let Callouts appear one after another. Therefore, you can move Callouts up and down in the Goal’s list.

Goals Focus Mode: 'Automatic' & 'User' Focus

We're happy to announce another new feature in GRAVITY 1.17 release: Focused Goals.

With this release, you can now focus on a goal and only see the callouts connected with that goal. All other callouts are hidden from the page. This means that users will only see the callouts connected to a specific goal—for example, when they visit a page related to that goal or view it in a search result—until they complete the goal.

You can select your focus type from three options: no focus, focus on this goal's content, or manually started (with an additional button).

This feature opens many new use cases for microlearning sets. For example, you could create different microlearning sets for each department in your organization and then use them as part of their onboarding process!

Goals Date range: Callouts assigned to a Goal are visible only during date range defined for the Goal

From now on, you can define a date range for each individual goal. You can now set a start date and an end date for your goals so that the Callouts assigned to them will only be visible during those time periods.

This is a huge feature because it allows you to release Accountment without being present on the release date.

Possibility to configure Hotspot appearance count for Single Callouts

A new feature has been added that allows you to configure the appearance count of single callouts. This is a feature that was requested a lot, and we're happy to deliver!

Possibility to block sites using part of URL path or query parameters

In GRAVITY 1.17, we have added the ability to parse URLs in more detail and bring logic into the process.

We now have three options for entering a URL: “ENTIRE URL”, “PAGE”, and “CONTAINS in PATH” or “CONTAINS in PARAMS”.

You can enter the entire URL or just part of it—for example, if you want to block GRAVITY on all project pages, just enter the part of the URL that leads to the projects site and select “CONTAINS in PATH”. The same is true with the option “CONTAINS in PARAMS”; it relates to everything in an URL that comes after the “?”.

'DOMAIN' replacement option for navigation mapping configuration

A new feature has been added to the Navigation Mapping tool: the ability to replace domains in workflow steps. The “DOMAIN” option lets you replace domains URLs in workflow steps.

This is useful in cases where GRAVITY content is mirrored between UAT and production instances, or if a callout was initially created in the UAT instance and users need to be redirected to the corresponding page in the production environment. See the Wiki article for configuration guidelines.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.16.1 - 15.8.2022

Bug fixes

Version 1.16.0 - 18.7.2022

New product features

Configurable chain of hotspot placement algorithms

With the beginning of GRAVITY Version 1.16 you cannot no longer assign one algorithm to one site. Instead, you can now add all algorithms to a site and define to order in which they should be applied if GRAVITY cannot find an element anymore. The algorithm chips can be reordered and checked, respectively unchecked, if you do not need a specific algorithm.

You will find the new algorithm function on the General Tab for each site.

Hints for target elements which work better as Workflow steps targets

If GRAVITY sees an element that could be uses as a workflow step with “Mouse click” we display it to you if you move your mouse over such an element. If you then decide to create a workflow step, we automatically set the Navigation to “Mouse click only”. Adding Workflows step will be clearer and faster since we can predict what will be the best configuration for the selected element.

Possibility to search for single callouts from the Dashboard

The search function in the dashboard now looks up single callouts as well.

A new default Dashboard search filter 'this Page'

To support the extended search function in Version 1.16 we introduce a new filter that shows help content on “this Page”. Prior to this version we used ‘this site’ to display what was on the actual site the user was looking on. From 1.16 on, we differentiate now between what you see on the open page ‘this Page’ and what is available on the entire site ‘this Site’. Which is within the boundaries of the site configuration in the GRAVITY admin site. While ‘this App’ might contains more sites the one.

Automatic authentication on ServiceNow sites

Now GRAVITY supports the user authentication (for Security level 0) on ServiceNow applications. The ServiceNow User Sync can be activated when the application type is set to ‘ServiceNow’.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.15.0 - 11.4.2022

New product features

Language Variations

There are situations when GRAVITY can’t find the correct element in multi languages environment. To overcome that issue, GRAVITY provided “Aliases” for such cases. With version 1.15 we provide a clean and intuitive way to assign such multilanguage hotspots.

Once activated, callouts in the hotspot collector can be assigned to another element on the site. Just right click and choose “Attach as language variation”, select the correct element and right click again, select “Paste as language variation”.

The Multi Language variations menu can be activated on site level.

New Workflow Option – Mouse click only

A new option is added to navigate to the next workflow step via click on site's element only. If that option is selected, the “next arrow” is removed and the message “click on the item” is displayed. So you can describe the action in the callout and then refer to it on the workflow step.

To select this option, navigate in the workflow step to edit step #2 and select “Mouse click only” in the “Navigation” drop down.

Always open at once

A new option is added to always open callouts regardless of their 'tracked' state. As a Goal Owner, you can now define those callouts who are marked as “open at once” will always automatically open. That applies even when the user has seen it already. That allows use cases where you want to display governance information at any time.

Hide the "Hotspot Collector"

In Version 1.15 we added the possibility to hide “hotspot collector” in Edit Mode. If an author has a lot of elements in the hotspot collector and can’t see what is behind the collector, he might close it now. If the edit mode is deactivated and reactivated again. The “hotspot collector” is displayed again.

Callout type is now visible in Edit Mode

In Edit Mode the authors now see what kind of callout they are editing. And NO, you can’t change the type right now. But you anticipated correctly, the radio buttons will be working shortly.

Automatic authentication on Microsoft Dynamics sites

Now GRAVITY supports the user authentication (for Security level 0) on the Microsoft Dynamics application. The Microsoft Dynamics User Sync can be activated when the application type is set to “Dynamics”.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.9 - 21.01.2022

New product features

Possibility to reset position of moved hotspots to the initial point

Sometimes when you move a created hotspot from its origin position, it will be moved behind an object on the page. If you let go the mouse button, the hotspot will not be accessible anymore. GRAVITY will not show that hotspot in the ‘Hotspot Collector’ since that hotspot is on the site but just not visible anymore. In that case you can now reset the hotspot to its original position by looking up that hotspot in the admin site and press the ‘reset position button’ (screen shot red square).

Possibility to force hotspot to be shown in Lighthouse

If a hotspot cannot be attached stable enough to an element because that element is not always visible but needs to be visible to the user at any time, you are now able to force that callout to be shown in the lighthouse. Lookup the callout in the admin site and press ‘Show in lighthouse’ (screen shot blue square).

That callout will now be presented to the user in the lighthouse, even though the site element is available on the site.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.7 - 22.11.2021

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.6 - 12.10.2021

New product features

Automatic authentication on BSI CRM applications

Now GRAVITY supports the user authentication (for Security level 0) on the BSI CRM application. The BSI CRM User Sync can be activated when the application type is set to “BSI”.

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.5 - 30.9.2021

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.4 - 13.9.2021

Product improvements

Version 1.14.3 - 8.9.2021

New product features

Configuration of visibility of lighthouse in user/edit modes

The visibility of the «Lighthouse» can be configured on site level. The «Lighthouse» visibility in the user mode, as well in the edit mode (Hotspot collector), can be set now.

New 'exact path' algorithm for hotspot placement

A new algorithm type is available for the placement of hotspots. The “'exact path'-algorithm” saves a longer DOM path and provides more stable results on some applications.

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.2 - 23.7.2021

Product improvements

Possibility to remove users from an audience automatically after specified period of time

If «auto remove» is activated in a particular audience, each member can only stay, in that group for, for the defined number of days. That setting let you build audiences for “new hire” or “New to this app users” use cases.

Possibility to export users from an audience as Excel file

All members of an audience can now be exported into a Microsoft Excel file. That file can be modified and later imported again.

Possibility to import users to an audience from Excel file

The exported and alter Excel file can be imported with different options:

Replace all: This option deletes the whole existing list and replace the list with the data in the Excel File. Use it when you removed and/or added users from the list (Excel file).

Create missing: If new users are added in the Excel-File, use that option to add these users to the audience.

At the end there is the check box “allow creation of new users”. Leave this box unchecked if the Excel file list, you import, should contain only existing users. In the case, this option prevents that typo in your Excel file results in new users. Check this box if you want to create users upfront and add them to an audience.

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.1 - 13.7.2021

New product features

Bug fixes

Version 1.14.0 -  1.6.2021

New product features

Trusted domains

The GRAVITY admin site can be configured to be access from trusted domains only.  That prevents cross-site-request. If value is set, all admin-only requests contain response header which strict access to response only for those domains.

Antivirus Scan and inject protection for all file uploads

Admin Site: Allow only specific file extension (.gsj). Do not send files with not supported extension to the server, just show an error toast. Check file size (<=100 MB).

Server side: Server: add response headers for export files:

Server side and Inject Script: Server: protection for image files. Check file size (<=1 MB) / do antivirus check, if configured / check extension before saving in db (jpeg, jpg, png, gif) / check magic bytes before saving in db (jpeg, jpg, png, gif):

Inject Script: protection for pdf files: allow only pdf extension, do not send files with not supported extension, check file size (<=10 MB)

Antivirus Scan added as a base service for SaaS and OnPrem customers. Anti-Virus Scan can be activated under Settings ->  Admin Sites -> Antivirus

Configuration of availability of embedded code for callouts

The availability of callout type “Text and embed code” can be activated/deactivated on site level. If deactivated, the callout type “Text and embed code” is grayed out and and has a mouse over callout explaining why that specif callout type is not available here on that site.

Login to GRAVITY Admin Site can be used with Two Factor Authentication

The GRAVITY Admin Site can now be protected by 2 Factor Authentication. Detailed instruction are available in the Wiki.

Password for Admin Site Access login needs to have a minimum complexity

What will be expected for all GRAVITY admin users who needs to login to the GRAVITY Admin site is: Length >= 12, at least one Upper Case letter, at least one Lower Case letter, at least one special character, at least one number.

Session timeout for Admin site can be set

To protect the Admin site from unwanted access, the open session will close itself automatically when the administrator is not working on the configuration anymore. The default value is 30min. The length of the session time out value can be changed under Settings ->  Admin Sites -> Session Timeout.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.13.3 - 5.5.2021

Bug fixes

Version 1.13.2 - 24.3.2021

Bug fixes

Version 1.13.1 - 10.3.2021

Product improvements

Version 1.13.0 - 24.02.2021

New product features

GRAVITY control can display an onboarding help text

If users get added automatically (Sync Mode «On» & Security Level 0) for the first time, an onboarding help text can be displayed. That text can be defined for all active languages. You will find that setting under Settings -> Gravity control description. The GRAVITY control displays a (Multi Language) Single Callout with the corresponding text.

Workflow Time Out

Workflows now have a time out. The time out is defined in minutes. If a workflow step remains open (is not clicked further) during the defined time out, the workflow is canceled. For this user, the workflow is then considered as not started. So, if the first workflow step is marked as "Auto Open", the user will now be shown the first step again.
However, if the user leaves the page within the defined Time Out and later navigates back to the page, he will be shown the current status of his workflow.
The Time Out time in minutes can be defined under Settings in the GRAVITY Admin page. The default setting is five minutes.

Restrict access to the dashboard

The visibility of the dashboard access can be configured per site. Authors and goal owners can still use the dashboard. Normal users, on the other hand, do not see the dashboard function. The dashboard can also be disabled completely in case no goals, tasks or statistics are used.


Cornerstone Support

The SaaS application "Cornerstone" is now supported with "User Sync". This means that "Cornerstone" can be used to identify users and is available as a GRAVITY app type.

Product improvements

First and last workflow steps are visually recognizable

The first and last steps are grayed out accordingly. So that it is visually clear to the user that the workflow does not continue.

Site URL Watcher – Detection of new URL if in-app routing is used

Some web application has mechanics that switches URL without loading the whole site. In that case, when a page is not completely reloaded but URL is changed GRAVITY is not reinitialized and content from the previous page is shown.
When an application uses such in-app routing, in the site configuration, “Site URL Watcher” can be activated, in the “General” tab of each site configuration. With the “Site URL Watcher” activated GRAVITY recognize such passive URL changes and makes sure the corresponding information is loaded.

Scrolling position calculation method

We tweaked the method to calculate the scrolling position of a workflow step in long sites. If objects have relative positions, we add an additional algorithm which calculates the position on such sites. The method can be switched for each site configuration on the “general” tab.

More improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.12.10 - 24.02.2021

1.12.20 Info

That version is only needed when running into issues with 1.13.0 issues. Please see the respective /wiki/spaces/SD/pages/2205188102.

Product improvements

Version 1.12.7 - 6.1.2021

1.12.7 Info

This version is only available for Oracle on Docker Hub:

docker pull gravityglobaldev/gravity-server-oracle:1.12.7

We made this build as a hot-fix for a specific case/customer. The improvement around Dashboard button visibility on the GRAVITY control will be available in the next GRAVITY version (1.13) for all versions. The settings of the dashboard button can then be fine tuned in the GRAVITY Admin site.

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.12.6 - 21.12.2020

Product improvements

Version 1.12.5 - 8.12.2020

This version contains also version 1.12.4 which provides CSS styles isolations for the GRAVITY control for one specific case and application. That update was only provided to customer with that specific issue.

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.12.3 - 13.10.2020

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.12.2 - 1.09.2020

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.12.1 - 21.08.2020

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.12.0 - 28.5.2020

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.11.8 - 13.3.2020

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Review the customer mail information about that release

Version 1.11.7 - 20.2.2020

Bug fixes

Version 1.11.6 - 26.2.2020

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.11.5 - 23.1.2020

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.11.4 - 14.12.2019

Product improvements

Version 1.11.3 - 16.11.2019

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.11.2 - 25.10.2019

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.11.1 - 30.09.2019

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.10.4 - 20.08.2019

Bug fixes

Version 1.10.3 - 16.08.2019

Bug fixes

Version 1.10.2 - 13.08.2019

Bug fixes

Version 1.10.1 - 08.08.2019

Bug fixes

Version 1.10.0 - 31.07.2019

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.9.1 - 14.05.2019

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.9.0 - 25.03.2019

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.8.2 - 31.01.2019

New product features

Bug fixes

Version 1.8.1 - 14.01.2019

Bug fixes

Version 1.8.0 - 04.01.2019

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.7.2 - 19.11.2018

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Lighthouse - Readmore button size adapted to existing buttons
Lighthouse - Repositioned close button

Version 1.7.1 - 16.10.2018

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes

Version 1.7.0 - 24.09.2018

New product features

Product improvements

Bug fixes